So, today I took part in the teacher training for the BioBlitz to accustom myself to the methods of locating and capturing insects. I am no bug lover, but it was really cool!
Here are a few photos from my day:
Here's me holding one of the aerial nets used to catch insects. It's almost bigger than me!
A spider found with another teacher's aerial net.
This is what Mrs. Wilson and I found in our net and on the ground nearby, some snails and a worm.
Is it a millipede or a centipede?
A cricket
Park ranger Stacey sorting through some leaves.
Mrs. Wilson scooping for some macro invertebrates.
Here's a few things we found. I know it's hard to see but there is a snail, two beetles and two baby crawfish.
I am looking forward to our class field trip.
Stay tuned for pictures!
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