District Teacher of the Year

What an honor it was on Tuesday, May 21 to receive an award for District Teacher of the Year! I am proud to represent Estelle and the District. It is truly an honor to be recognized for my hardwork and dedication to my passion of teaching. My colleagues have inspired me to be all that this award recognizes.

A school wide assembly was held on Tuesday to honor not only me but our growth as a school and all the hardworking teachers and staff at Estelle. Two representatives for Blue Bell ice-cream came to award me with a letter from the CEO, a book of the history of ice-cream and a cooler with 4 gallons of my favorite ice-cream Cookies and Cream. Also, in honor of me they gave all the students at Estelle an ice cream sandwich. How awesome is that!

Here'a a picture of our principal, Ms. Gilbert on the left and the two representatives from Blue Bell.

A picture of me with my three boys who made a surprise appearance to see their Mommy get her award. 

A picture of me with my parents and sons.

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