Happy Veteran's Day

Happy Veterans's Day!  Do you know why we celebrate Veteran's Day?  Do you know who first proclaimed Veteran's Day?  Do you know who made it a law?  These are some of the questions that my 5th graders are exploring this week through a Wonderopolis article. Here's ...


Vocabulary Slideshows

So proud of my students this week and the products they are producing! They are engaged, motivated and acquiring new words to add to their vocabularies. As I've written in past posts that you can read here and here, one of my goals this year was to increase  vocabulary study with my students. It is going well! We are talking, writing, and using new words, finding them in print, and playing games with new words. ...


A Vocabulary Family Reunion

This week my students were engaged in a vocabulary game modified from the book Word Nerds. In chapter 6 of Word Nerds they discuss a game to play called Block Party" where the students mingle with their related words. Well my class and I decided to rename it "A Vocabulary Family ...


First Day of School Lesson Plan for 5th Grade

Tomorrow is the big day! The first day of school for me with students and students with their new teacher and grade. My first day of school lesson plans from my post on Tuesday, July 28, have changed some. I have come across so many great ideas from Twitter, Facebook and the many ...


Keeping Our Students Safe! - Teaching Digital Citizenship

Today I was in shock when I discovered a plethora of networking sites that children take part in. Have you heard of any of these? They were all new to me! My students and many other students are using these platforms everyday to meet and chat with others, mostly their friends, ...


Classroom Tour

Today I made my way into my new classroom, which is about 4 doors down from my old classroom. Here's a before picture.  Another before picture This is how it looked after my husband and I worked in the room for 6 hours. I still have lots to do!  This ...


Five for Friday - Linky Party

My first linky party this summer! And summer is almost over!!  My baby, or my youngest of my 4 boys, turned 16 months yesterday! Time is flying by.   I found out on Tuesday of this week that I will be teaching 5th grade this year. Time to ...


5th Grade Here I Come!

     After 10 years of teaching 4th grade, I found out on Monday that I will begin this school year as the 5th grade ELA teacher. I have lots of mixed emotions about the change. I am going to surely miss working closely with my 4th grade team, although we will still ...


First Day of School Lesson Plan

Finally, after days of scouring blogs, articles, twitter chats and teacher Facebook pages I have my first day of school lesson plan completed. That was a lot of work for the first day considering I still have the rest of the week to plan for, lol! I learned a lot though, and found ...


Word Nerds Chapter 6 Book Study: It's Party Time!

     Chapter 6 of Word Nerds is "Celebrate to Validate". As I left off on my last post on how I would bump  up my vocabulary instruction in my classroom here, I didn't mention what my plan was going to be on Day 5. Little did I know that Chapter 6 was all ...


10th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina

     The 10th Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is August 29th. It is quickly approaching and soon the news, radio, TV and other media will be "flooded" (pun on words here) with memories of that day.      Ten years ago, my husband and I who were recently ...


Pinterest Picks for the New School Year

Here are my Top 5 Picks for the New School Year: 1.      First up is the Pipe Cleaner Challenge. Divide your students up into teams and give them the following supplies seen in the picture, a few sheets of tin foil and pipe cleaners and let them construct. This ...


Prime Meridian

Yep, that's me! This summer my husband and I took a 10 day vacation to London and Paris. While in London we ventured to Greenwich where I stood on the Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian is our Earth's main line of longitude at 0 degrees and separates our earth into the eastern ...


Bumping Up My Vocabulary Instruction with Word Nerds

     Reflecting back at this past school year, vocabulary instruction is definitely a skill I would  like to bump up in my classroom. Our admin asked us at the beginning of last school year to focus on teaching Tier II words, such as paraphrase, develop, describe, ...

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