Holiday Fun

A few activities my students participated in before our holiday break. Here are the Christmas trees students made using ice cream cones, white icing ( I forgot the green dye at home), marshmallows, m&ms, and one snowman peep. They worked really hard on their christmas trees, ...


PenPal Letters & Mystery Skype

We were so excited to receive our pen-pal letters today from our pen pals in New York City. It was like Christmas in our classroom. We loved all the artwork from our pen pals and their letters sharing a little about their life and school. Tomorrow we will begin working on our letters ...


Myths and Legends

This week our focus in Reading is on identifying and explaining the difference between folktales, including a myth and a legend. Today after our long morning of Interval testing, ( Intervals= cumulative assessment of the nine weeks) we began our discovery of myths. I began the ...

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