Let's Make History!

Last night at our school we made history! Students, parents and teachers participated in our first ever iLEAP/LEAP/ Black History event. The 3-5th grade students and teachers participated in the event. The teachers presented test taking strategies such as: process of elimination, ...


Holy 13

Today was my first day back to work/school since our winter break. Today was Staff Development day and one of the topics on our agenda was Holy, 13. So, what is Holy, 13? Holy 13 is the amount of points our school needs to grow in order to raise our grade as a school within our parish, and since it is the year 2013, thats what makes it holy. I guess?? Anyway, we need to grow 10 to maintain our grade, but three extra ...


January Currently

I know I'm a few days late, 3, to be exact but better late than never, right? I'm linking up with Farley from Oh' Boy Fourth Grade and lots of other bloggers.  Listening- I am listening to the Today Show in the background. I usually get to listen to about 15 minutes of ...

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