Louisiana Regions

Did you know that Louisiana is the only state with parishes? Well, we are, and we have 64 parishes! My students learned this week all about the regions of Louisiana in which these parishes are found.  Students worked in collaborative groups, 2 days this week to explore ...


Classroom Ready!

My 4th grade classroom is ready, and tomorrow is the 1st day of school for students. Yesterday and today I had time to get my classroom ready and get activities planned for the first day. Also, today from 1-3pm we had a Meet & Greet for parents and students to come drop off ...


Anchor Charts for a New School Year

One of the things I'm doing this summer to get ready for the new school year is pinning. I visit Pinterest every day looking for new and innovative ideas to implement into my 4th grade ELA & Social Studies classroom. Here are a few of the many anchor charts that I have pinned ...


Monday Meet Me

     Wow, it has been 5 months since my last blog post. It has definitely been too long and I am hoping to get back into blogging over the summer and continue throughout this upcoming school year. One reason that I have put blogging on hold is because I just had ...


State Testing

State testing is soon approaching! My 4th graders will take the Writing portion of the Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP), which is a series of annual assessments in English language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. These test determine whether a student ...

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