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Teacher Tidbit Tuesday - 1st Year of Teaching

Today's topic is all about your first year of teaching. I have been teaching for 15 years! I am not sure I remember much about my first year other than it was a blur and pretty rough in the management area.  At the end of student teaching in December 2002,  a 4th ...


Teacher Tidbit Tuesday

I am so excited a couple of teachers of Instagram that I have followed for many years, Life In Fifth Grade and  Teaching in Room 6,  are hosting blog topics each week this summer! I can remember when I blogged consistently and when blogging was one of the only outlets ...


Monday Made It

It's Monday again and I'm excited to link up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made It series. One of my goals for this upcoming year is to be more organized. For example, having labeled binders  to organize all of our assessments, texts, and testing materials. ...


Monday Made It

I am super excited to join Tara from Fourth Grade Frolics for Monday Made It.  My "Monday Made It #1" is decor for my youngest son's bedroom. This was a very simple Monday Made It, but it was painted by Jack with love. We went out to Hobby Lobby to purchase ...


National Holidays

Who doesn't like National Holidays! I sure do and so do many of my Social Media friends. People are  always posting pictures of themselves celebrating a National Holiday. I'm sure there's a hashtag - #NationalHolidays that you can post to and follow. Well, my students love ...


Techie Projects in a 4th Grade Classroom

Wow! Over the last month my 4th graders have participated in many exciting technology projects.  International Dot Day My 4th grade class and a 1st grade class celebrat- ed “International Dot Day” together on Friday, September 16. This is a global celebration of ...

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