Well, my students love them as well. They are always so eager to enter the room each morning to find out what the National Holiday will be for the day. Some students will even come into the room and tell me they heard it announced on the radio on their way to school.
Each morning in my 4th grade classroom I display the National Holiday of the day. I use the site Checkiday
Displaying these holidays on my board always sparks a discussion amongst students, especially the food related ones. We talk about whether we've eaten the dessert before like (National Chocolate Ice Cream Day) or if it's a well-known person, place, or event we connect it to our learning. I especially love the National Holidays that relate to our Social Studies Unit of Study. This allows for a way to remember and honor the heroism and achievements of the people, events, and our nation's ethnic heritage.
There are many benefits to exposing students to these holidays:
1. They become informed citizens.
2. It increases communication in the classroom and outside of school.
3. It increases interests on particular holidays.
4. It encourages students to explore.
I hope I've sparked an interest in you to expose your students to National Holidays!
So, have you had your Chocolate Ice Cream today?

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