It's Monday again and I'm excited to link up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made It series.
One of my goals for this upcoming year is to be more organized. For example, having labeled binders to organize all of our assessments, texts, and testing materials. I've always organized in manilla folders and had it nicely arranged in the file cabinet, but it tends to get messy and I need more order to the order in the folder if that makes sense, ;) So, with those thoughts on folders becoming binders that I'm going to begin with when I get back into my classroom in the next month or so, I have to start with an area behind my desk that is always a mess. I wish I had a picture to post, but I don't, so take my word for it when I say it is a mess. There's a small area behind my desk that I house all of my teacher tools such as tape, paperclips, white-out, numerous pens because you can never have too many, highlighters, and other things that are all thrown in a purple basket. Every now and then I straighten it out, but when I need something I can't ever find it. Well that takes you to my first Monday Made It below.
The teacher toolbox! I am so excited about this toolbox. It is going to keep the back of my desk looking sharp. I found my toolbox at Lowe's for $17. You can also purchase on Amazon, but I found the price to be higher. Then comes the labels that I found and purchased on Teachers Pay Teachers. My classroom colors are red and blue, so I went with a nautical theme for the labels. My purchase came from the The Teaching Texan.
Three of my boys are wanting one of their own now for their desks in their rooms, so I may be making more of them next week.
My next Monday Made It was inspired by Joanne Miller at Head Over Heels for Teaching. She made the cutest keychains for her students and I just had to have them. I purchased the keychains for about $6 for a pack of 16 "Playside Creations" keychains. You can find Joanne's template that fits the keychains here. I used scissors to cut them out and the help of one of my boys to put them together. They look great!
Finally Monday Made It #3 is a recipe that I got from my mom that she found on Robbie's Recipes. We both love Wonton Soup and I was craving it, so off I went to purchase the ingredients to make it. Here's the recipe below. A few things I did a little differently to make it as easiest as possible are I bought green onions already cut and I froze the remainder that I didn't use. I used ground ginger which I know is not the same as grated fresh ginger, but it was easier and I had it already. I didn't add white pepper because I forgot. The napa cabbage was huge in the grocery and I didn't want to buy it because I only needed a small amount, so luckily I found a ginger sesame stir-fry that included the cabbage, snap pea pods, red cabbage and carrots. It contained a few extra ingredients, but it was the perfect amount for my pot of soup. I also excluded the mushrooms, sorry but I'm not a fan.
This is a picture of all the ingredients that go into the stuffing of the wonton. My favorite part of the soup. It actually makes a lot of wontons. I had about 10 leftover that I didn't use for the soup. I fried them up for my hubby the next day and he ate them with sweet and sour sauce. I had a couple, but not too many. I 'm trying to be good and eat healthy!
Just a little dab of the stuffing in the wonton wrapper.
Here's the final dish! I added extra soy sauce to my bowl of soup. It was delicious!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my Monday Made Its!

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