Online Safety

Teaching online safety is going to be crucial during the first two weeks in my classroom. My students are going to be utilizing our ipads, netbooks and laptops for reading, blogging and creating projects. However, they must first be taught how to properly handle the equipment ...


A New School Year and New Technology

This past school year I had the opportunity to work with a wonderful tehnology intern at my school. She worked with my students and me to integrate technology and Web 2.0 tools effectively into our classroom. She introduced us to many tools such as Wordle, Glogster, GoogleEarth ...


Ideas for a New School Year

This week in my masters program I am being introduced to gaming programs, which I can hopefully integrate into my classroom with my fourth graders. Alice is the name of the program we are working with this week, in which I will practice and in the end complete a product with focus ...

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