Fables and Dialogue

I can write a page of dialogue by including: quotation marks, correct sentence punctuation, cause and effect transition words and commas. This was our Purpose statement this week in writing. The last three weeks we have been discussing fairytales, fables and folktalkes and comaparing and contrasting texts across cultures. To wrap up our Unit, I used a writing activity from the basal which I haven't used all year to ...


Goldilocks and the Christmas Elves

My fourth grade class were true "Shining Stars" this morning as they performed our first play, "Goldilocks and the Christmas Elves." Thanks to Natalie at What the Teacher Wants for posting and sharing the script, that she found from a Google search. When I first gave the script ...


Verb Snowman

Monday thru Thursday my students complete a daily edit. Their purpose is to correct a sentence by identifying the errors, and parts of speech. They have the most difficulty with identifying the verbs in the sentence. Well, while blog surfing I found an awesome activity at http://pvroom121.blogspot.com/2011/12/verb-snowmen.html ...


Our First Mystery Skype

Today my fourth graders and I participated in our first Mystery Skype. I placed my students in 5 collaborative groups. Here's a picture of the group who used the iPads. They used the search engine Google and typed in the clues that were given by the Mystery Class.  These ...


Identifying the Theme

This week we are exploring Theme in a variety of passages. Today I introduced the word theme and used a short poem to model how to think aloud to identify the theme in a passage. The poem's theme was the Early bird gets the worm.  I then introduced students to a new app ...


Performance at Celebration in the Oaks

Tonight the cheerleaders, whom I help coach along with two other teachers, and the choir performed at our annual performance at Celebration in the Oaks. Here the Cheerleaders just finished performing and are watching the choir members performance. The Cheerleaders showing ...


Main Idea and Details

This past week my students identified the main idea and details in a nonfiction text. On Monday, I began the lesson by stating the objective and sharing with students a chapter from the nonfiction selection Extreme Weather from our Treasure Series. We discussed the chapter and I ...


From Paper Blogs to the World

From Paper Blogs to the World Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Presented by Paula Naugle & Erica Shepherd 4th Grade teachers Jefferson Parish Public Schools Today I had a wonderful opportunity to present at LaCUE. Paula and I presented from 10-10:50 this morning in the Bridge Room at the Hilton Riverside Hotel in New Orleans, LA. I was nervous presenting, considering this was only my second time presenting at a large ...


Blog Commenting Party

The greatest blogging party on Earth was held last Thursday, November 10th. The students in my homeroom and my partner teacher's Mrs. Wilson's class hosted the party. The students brought home invitations to the party inviting their parents to attend. The purpose of the party was ...


2011 Graduate

Yes! That's right I am a 2011 Graduate. I officially wrapped up my courses for my Master's Degree in Educational Leadership and Technology last night. The degree was offered as an online cohort program. Overall, the online program was a very positive learning experience for me. ...


Creating Stories

This past week I introduced my students to a new app for the iPad. The app is called Puppet Pals. The app Puppet Pals allows students to create a story using movements and audio in real time. I first modeled for the students how to make a movie and then played it back for them. ...


How We're Keeping Busy in Room 3

Last Thursday, I received an email from our trucker buddy. His name is Eason and is a trucker from Louisiana like us. I can't wait to introduce the students to him and the program and get started on following him on his travels. The kids are going to be so excited to have someone ...


A Spook-TECH-ular Halloween

What a spook-TECH-ular Halloween it was in Room 3 today! Students began the day by reflecting on their progress so far in our class. They folded a white piece of paper in fours and answered the following questions in each block: 1. My favorite part of the day is.... 2. I need the ...


Rockstar MeMe Award

Yeah, how exciting! I have been awarded the # Rockstar Meme Blog Award by Nancy C at Teaching is Elementary. When one is awarded the meme, according to the originator Guhlin, they are supposed to Write a Post about how Blogging has Rocked your World then: 1. Respond to the meme and link back to this blog entry. 2. Leave a comment on this blog entry and ask 5 more people to participate. 3. Notify those 5 people by ...


What's Happening in Room 3

We are working on lots of exciting things in Room 3 this week. This week is our week to do announcements over the PA system. We get so nervous talking over the PA system including me. The students say the Pledge of Allegiance the school pledge, and inform us of lunch and other school ...


iPad Apps

Here is a picture of my iPad screen and a few of the apps the students and I have explored. A few of our favorites is Screenchomp, Brainpop and Edmodo. They enjoy using Screenchomp to reteach lessons to their peers and to draw pictures. Today in groups students explored the Brainpop ...


A Love for Reading

How do you motivate students to read? I motivate my students and empower a passion for reading by introducing them to a plethora of books. Every Monday, students visit the classroom library to choose a new selection for the week. They read their book during our weekly silent reading ...


Book Talks

A few of my students completed Book Talks about our chapter book read last month. My students were given a project at the end of September with choices on how they would like to present the chapter book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. A few of my students did not complete a project ...



The students were so excited to use the iPads today. They were so excited I had to have them clasp their hands while I gave directions. They worked in pairs to explore  Screenchomp. Sceeenchomp is a like a dry erase board, but the cool thing about it is that they can record ...

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