Calling all 3rd-5th Grade Teachers!

My school received a grant last year that will allow us to purchase new books for our classroom library. I am looking for book recommendations that you have used with your students or your students most popular book choices. Please share! My students favorites so far this year ...


Reading Survey Results

Here are a few results from the Reading Survey students took during the first few days of school. Do you like Reading? Yes 27 82% NO 6 18% What do you like about Reading? It is relaxing, alot of things, some books are filled with imagination and fariytales that have princesses and princes and monsters that are nice and mean, what I like about reading is when there are mysterys going on, I like to read it is fun ...


Meet the Teacher

Tell us a little something about you... I'm Erica and am a 4th grade ELA teacher. I have been married for seven years and have three boys. My twin boys began PreK-3 today and were not happy campers when we left them. They were kicking and screaming for us not to leave. It was ...


Technology Integration

How did you integrate technology during the first week of school? Did you use an interactive flipchart, activotes, online survey, Brainpop, Discovery Education, Glogster, etc..? If you didn't use technology during the first week, how do you plan to integrate technology in your ...


One Busy Teacher

Community Building Three days down and my students and I are learning a lot about one another. Our theme for this week is "My Identity" with a focus on building a community in the classroom. On the first day students took a survey using Google docs to tell me a little about themselves. ...


Glogs, Flipcharts, Movies and Reading Strategies Oh My!

Today was another full day of Professional Development. However, today was filled with lots of ways to engage and motivate students through technology and fun hands on activities. Session1- What's New in ELA? This session focused on Glogs. They introduced the benefits of creating ...


Welcome Back!

Today was my first day back to work and it was filled with school related Professional Development or PD as we call it. We first began with an ice-breaking activity where we had to collect as many signatures from colleagues as possible in one minute. I managed to collect 28, but was not the winner. The winner won 1,000 extra copies for the year! Next, up was a Guest Speaker who is a long time friend of our principal. ...


Should Students Blog?

Why yes of course! Tonight I participated in a Twitter chat with 4th grade teachers. BTW if you are not signed up on Twitter you are missing out!!! Tonight's topic was blogging and several people shared wonderful ideas on how to get parents to buy in, teaching parents to comment,and ...


Word Work

Create Teach Share posted a word of the week freebie she was sharing. She also posted a question of what do upper grades do for Word Work. So, I thought what a great way to integrate technology by making a video using a word of choice from the week's words, when students are at ...


Lesson Plans for the First Week of School

I finally think my plans for the first week of school are coming together! I have decided to go with a theme, which I have never done before. My theme will carry throughout the first two months of school, but I would love to try to extend it throughout the year. So, we will see ...


Classroom Set-Up Again

Over to my classroom I went today with my 3 boys. I was actually able to get a lot done even with my silly boys running around my room screaming the entire time. They are the best! Anyway, I decided to rearrange my desks into a U shape. It definitely gives me a lot of room in the center of my classroom for my mini-lessons. I am hearing so many complaints in the last few days about kids not liking to sit on the rug from ...

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