Apps With A Purpose

Check out this amazing site that has compiled a list of apps and how to use them effectivel ...


Big Dreams!

Today My 4th graders had a big dream, a dream to go to college. Just a few weeks ago, during Morning Meeting, my student teacher Mrs. Ahmad asked the students who planned on attending college. Very few student hands went up, and even one said, " I don't want to go!" Well, that's ...




Flash Mob



Our Trucker Buddy Visit

Friday was an exciting day for my Shining Stars. Our trucker buddy came to visit! Back in October, while reading a few teacher blogs I came across a post introducing me to the Trucker Buddy Organization. I immediately went to the site, and I signed us up to correspond with a trucker. My initial thought was a hope for an amazing experience. Now in February, with our visit and all of our corresponding emails, I have ...


Fireworks in Room 3

There were definitely fireworks at the end of my lesson today. There was also some singing of the song Fireworks by Katy Perry. Today's lesson purpose was for students to identify, label and explain figurative language in the song Fireworks. I began the lesson by telling my students ...


Motivating Students and Whole Brain Teaching

Do you have students who are always off task? Or students who just aren't getting it because it is not fun, and they are obviously bored? Well, thanks to Whole Brain Teaching Strategies and techniques my classroom environment has dramatically changed. My students are engaged in purposeful talk, applying skills and completing purposeful and meaningful products. The Whole Brain teaching lesson that I am ...


Figurative Language

This week during shared reading, I read aloud Owl Moon by Jane Yolen. I used this book to review figurative language such as similes discussed last week and introduced new figurative language such as metaphors, onomatopoeia, personification and hyperbole. In preparation ...


Sharing a Bit of Our Culture

    Today was an exciting day in Room 3 for my Shining Stars. We participated in two Skype calls in which we hosted and presented information about the history of Mardi Gras including king cakes, throws and parades. We even ended our calls with our own parade marching around the room to "Mardi Gras Mambo" and some students throwing beads. Our first Skype call was with @powell4thgrade .  You can ...


A Visit to the Public Library

Last Friday, my partner teacher and I took our students to the local library. For some of our students this was their first visit. The purpose of the trip was to introduce students to the wealth of resources available to them in their local community, and to assist them with researching ...



Check out one cool video, showcasing our schools' Positive Behavior Intervention Support rules. This video was created by an awesome third grade teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez, and her third grade class. Teachers are asked to show the video to their students three times and then have students sign a roster stating that they viewed the video and understand all rules of the school. ...


Throw Me Something Mister

Have you or your students ever been to a Mardi Gras parade? Well if the answer is no, just leave me your email address below if you and your class would be interested in learning a little about Mardi Gras. My students have been researching this week the history of Mardi Gras, ...

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