Lesson Plans and Mentor Texts

I've been super busy the last few days looking at our Transitional Curriculum! This year at our school teachers are given a choice on what Grade Level Expectations need to be covered each nine weeks. In the past, we were given a pacing guide by the parish on what GLEs needed to be covered. Then at the end of each nine week period students were given an Interval Test to see if they mastered those GLEs. Their scores ...


A Peek into My Classroom

My first day of back at work is quickly approaching. Teachers report back on August 6th, we have a meet and greet on August 7th and students begin on the 9th. I have been back to my classroom a total of four times so far, and today I finally feel like it is all coming together. ...


To Do List

My summer is slowly coming to an end! I have two weeks left before I begin my first day back on August 6th. The students begin school on the 9th. So, needless to say there's a lot of preparation still to be done. I have been back to my classroom three times, and have begun setting ...


Shepherd's Shining Stars are College Bound

I have finally come up with a classroom theme for the upcoming 2012-2013 school year! Shepherd's Shining Stars are College Bound Today I emailed all the major universities in Louisiana telling them of my class theme, and asking if they could help out by sending me information ...


My First Product

I finally did it! I managed to make my first product and upload it to TPT. My product contains 6 Test Taking Strategy posters.  Do you have students who rush through your tests or students who choose any answer? If you answered YES, then these posters will work well in your ...


Back from TN

I am back from TN with my family, and am now catching up on 700+ blog posts that I need to read. My Goodness! We had a great time in TN. My boys loved all the outdoor activities including the hike and the best was the White Water Rafting trip. I wish I had a camera to capture their expressions when the water wiped them out on the raft. They were smiling from ear to ear. The moment was priceless! Here's a look at our ...


Postcard Exchange

 I am so excited that my 4th graders and I will be participating in the 2012 Postcard Exchange hosted by Mechele over at Barrow's Hodgepodge. I am actually headed out to Tennessee on Saturday for a weeks vacation with my family. On my way back from TN next Saturday, I will ...


Check out my SHOES!

Did you know that today is International Blog Hopping Day? I am not sure if I will be able to keep up. Do they have a International Blog Hopping Week? TBA authors are hosting a wonderful linky party where all of us bloggers can link up all of our wonderful ideas to share. ...


A Blog Makeover

My blog had a makeover and I am so loving my new blog design by Christi! I love the colors and of course my stars. It is so nice to have a makeover right before the new school year begins. I was really disliking my old design mostly because my banner didn't fit my entire screen. ...


Kleinspiration: The Biggest Give-Away Yet - Thank You Readers and my Personal Learning Network!

Kleinspiration: The Biggest Give-Away Yet - Thank You Readers and my Personal Learning Networ ...


A Winner, July Currently and a Lovely Blog Award

Frame designed by Tracee Orman  Viola wil receive an autographed copy of the book Animal Rhymes written by my cousin Katie Rauch. Thanks to all who entered my first giveaway!  Here's my Currently........ Love beginning the year with a shared reading ...


Top 10 Linky Party

Teaching My 3 is hosting a Top 10 Linky Party to list 10 things that you love! These 10 things could be school supplies, favorite websites, or best teaching strategies. Here is my Top 10 which is going to be a mix between websites and things I couldn't live without in ...

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