Re-Visiting Voki

Today students re-visted voki, but with a partner. They explored the site, avatars, backgrounds and voices. They need lots of time to explore! I say this because I gave students an objective at the beginning of the lesson to create an avatar and then to either record their voice ...


When I Say

Sequence you say Order! Sequence, Order! Sequence, Order! My students love to chant our skills of the day and of course I love to lead and chant in class being a former cheerleader. Today we reviewed Sequence in a variety of ways using Chapter 8 of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing ...


Thanks to Fourth Grade Fanatic's wonderful idea my students participated in an exciting and engaging activity to culminate Character Traits. Character Traits on PhotoPea ...


A Special Message

Some of my students received a very special message from me today! More to come ...


Motivating with Movies

How exciting is it for a teacher when students are actively engaged in a lesson, ready to learn and all eyes focused on what is next. Well that is the reaction I received when I showed a short clip Of "Oktapodi"The focus of the lesson was I can analyze the setting and the character's ...


A Shining Classroom

My Shining Stars have been busy! During the first two weeks of school students worked collaborativley on classroom rules. The picture below, which was inspired from a post on Pinterest showcases our Classroom Promise comprised of our class rules. Above you will see our CAFE board. ...


Vocabulary with Voki

My students and I are currently reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. This Thursday one of our mini-lessons was focused on vocabulary. Students were put into groups of five and worked collaboratively on one vocabulary word . Students in each group were numbered ...


Morning Meeting

This is a year for a lot of firsts for me and one of them is Morning Meeting. I began Morning Meeting 4 weeks ago now on the first day of school. Students and I discussed the rules and procedures, the agenda for the day, shared our summer stories, and shared our passions. Within ...



My students have begun blogging! Last week I introduced students to Kidblog. Students blog during Daily 5 at the Listen to Reading Center, which I changed to the Technology Center just this week. Students will be introduced to a new Web 2.0 tool every two weeks or so and ...


Spelling Test using Google Docs

My students took a Spelling pre-assessment today on computers. I had 8 computers that students rotated through and I was able to get all 30 students assessed within a 30 minute period. I created the Spelling test using Google Form. The test consisted of 20 multiple choice questions ...


The Top Ten Goes To.....

Thanks Tara from Fourth Grade Frolics for posting my blog as one of you Top Ten!!!! Here are the Top Ten Blogs I follow: Mrs. Eiken is a 4th grade teacher like me! "/> Another wonderful 4th grade teacher's blog I follow. Total Inspiration! So creative and full of ideas. Life ...

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