Effective Technology Use

My classroom has become the Global Classroom! Technology has had the largest impact on my teaching this year. It has helped engage students, and my lesson plans are richer and timelier. My classroom has become a 21st century classroom due in part to the technology grant that I ...


Anchor Chart Linky Party

An Anchor Chart Linky Party is happening over at Ladybug's Teacher Files and I am joining. I recently pulled all my charts off the walls of my classroom for testing. So, today I had a few of my students hold them up while I snapped a few shots. Here are a few I have created this ...


Phase 1 Testing Complete

We all breathed a sigh of relief when testing was over with today. Now just 4 more testing sessions to go, but they won't begin till April 12. Today students took the writing portion of the test and the Math constructed response. Before testing began, we did a few stretches, ...


Empowering Students to Read through BookClubs

Tonight's #4thchat on Twitter was fabulous! We discussed all of the technology tools we have taken away from #4thchat some of which include Skype, Edmodo, Glogster, Voki and Voice Thread to name a few. During the chat someone brought up the topic of book clubs. I immediately tweeted out that my homeroom students were about to begin James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl and my second class Because of Winn Dixie by ...


Classroom Writing Exchange

Tomorrow is the big day for our state writing test the LEAP and I feel that my students are prepared. Today we met with the other 3 4th grade classes and one third grade class to share our best writing piece from Camp Write Along. They exchanged papers three times while hunting ...


Solutions to the Achievement Gap

I just applied for the Leading Educators program here in New Orleans,Louisiana. The application process was pretty lengthy, in that, I had to write two essays, and submit my resume, which I had to update. The essays consisted of the causes of the achievement gap and the solutions based on the causes. Here are my solutions to eliminating the Achievement Gap. While we cannot change the lives of children outside of ...


Camp Write Along Day-5

Today was our last day of Camp Write Along. The students were shocked when they walked in this morning because the desks were back. They had no idea that they weren't going to use their sleeping bags on the last day. I didn't decide till after school was out to put the desks back ...


Camp Write Along- Day 4

Today was devoted to revising. We began our day with a short video from our camp director. We sang all of our songs! Then, I reviewed with students how to revise using the anchor chart shown. I then had them draw a circle map and write down two of their favorite adjectives. ...


A Linky Party for Grades 3-5

Lorraine over at Fabulous Fourth Grade Froggies is hosting a Linky party for teacher bloggers of grades 3-5. There are so many teachers who have already linked up and I am next. I hope you will link up too! ...


Camp Write Along- Day 3

Today was another fun filled day at Camp Write Along. We began the day with announcements from our Camp Coach(me). Then we reviewed all our songs, "Write, Write, Baby",and "The Twelve Days of Writing." Today we introduced them to a new song called "The Writing Hokey." Next, ...


Camp Write Along- Day 2

Day 2 of Camp Write Along went better than yesterday. You could tell camp is making a differnce because more sleeping bags were brought today than yesterday. All students were motivated and eager to learn, and may I also say we had 100% attendance today. That definitely says a lot! ...


I Won!

I won the "One Lovely Blog" award. It was awarded to me by Jennifer at LifeLong Learning. Please check out the following blogs, as I am awarding them the Lovely Blog Award: Here are the rules for the Lovely Blog Award: 1. Link back to the blogger who gave it to you. 2. Pass ...


Camp Write Along- Day 1

Today kicked off our first day of "Camp Write Along." It was full of singing, reading, purposeful talk, brainstorming, writing and even eating. We began the day with a message from our Principal, Mrs. Daniilidis. These announcements came from Fabulous Fourth Grade Froggies. Then ...


Tweet Tweet !

Inspired by a pin on Pinterest, I created a bulletin board today for my students to post their most memorable experiences or thoughts thus far. The board I saw was a Facebook page on someone's class door. I decided instead to create a Twitter page. I quickly introduced students ...


Empowering Readers Through HOTS

"Teachers who use questions strategically promote new kinds of thinking in their students and motivate their engagement in thought provoking discussions." Sue Brown- Shared Reading for Grades 3 and Beyond Maria Wickstandt is our wonderful Professional Development Coach for integrating a balanced literacy approach in our classrooms. She has held 4 sessions since May of last year that have brought purpose and meaning ...


A Week of Dr. Seuss

This week my student teacher, Mrs. Ahmad, began her unit. She facilitated a unit on poetry with a focus on identifying figurative language and applying literary devices within their writing. Monday she began by administering a pretest. Then she began by reading Diffendoffer Day ...

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