Monday Made It

It's Monday again and I'm linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics. This Monday I would like to spotlight my bulletin boards that I made for my classroom.  Behold the behavior board! I have a little space at the bottom that will hold my classroom jobs.   ...


Student Reminders

Do your students need reminders?  Of course they do, and even us teachers need reminders every day or like me sometimes every hour.  That is why this pin caught my attention that was created by Kelly at Kelly's Knack. To  match my classroom decor I created ...


Favorite Pins Friday

Cara at The First Grade Parade is hosting a Favorite Pins Friday linky. Pinterest is definitely one of my everyday go to sites. I have tons of pins 2,176 pins to be exact. You can check them out and follow my many boards here.  Here are a few of my favorites ...


Classroom Website

Having a classroom website is an essential part of building a home-school connection. That is why I'm linking up with Kristin at iTeach 1:1  to share an idea for managing your classroom website. My classroom website which you can view here is built for my students ...


Classroom Progress

It was my third day back working in my classroom. I can definitely say I'm making some progress, but still have lots to do. This is the wall on the left of my room. You can see my super improver wall for both of my 4th grade classes. Next is the homework board, which I purchased ...


Monday Made It- Library Checkout System

I'm linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics again for her Monday Made it.  I was inspired by a few pins on Pinterest and Julie's library checkout system at Lighting a Fire. You can see from my past post here that I orignally made my stars with a gray chevron. However, ...


Liebster Award

I am so honored to receive a nomination for the Liebster Award, which is an nomination given to acknowledge bloggers with fewer than 200 followers, by Susan at Middle School OCD.  She had some very kind words to say about me that you can check out on her blog. You will also find out when you head over to her blog what a great educator she is sharing lots of lessons and activities in the middle school classroom. I ...


Amazing Resources!

Before I share two amazing resources that I've found in the past two days, I'd like to share with you what I decided on my teacher desk. I decided to get rid of it and turn it into a tech/ small group station. Thanks to all those who left me comments with suggestions. I truly have ...


A Desk or Not a Desk?

A Desk or not a desk? That is the question! The last two years I've been without a desk in my 4th grade classroom. I never really felt a need for a desk since I am always on my feet. The desk also always ended up with stacks of papers piled high. I have been much better organized ...

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