2011 Tech Projects

This video was created using Animoto. Animoto is a web application that produces videos from user- selected photos, video clips, and music. Below is a video I created to capture just some of the Tech I will be using in my classroom this year. FYI........ You can Register at ...


Geo Greetings

What a cool site to use to introduce spelling, vocabulary words or the theme for the week. Geogreetings.com allows you to type in a simple message that will display each letter as an aerial photo from somewhere in the world. How cool is that! Check out my Geo Greeting her ...


Classroom Set-Up

I stepped into my classroom today for a few hours to work on a few bulletin boards. Here are a few pictures to show my work in progress. I still have tons to do! Classroom Set-up on PhotoPea ...


A New School Year

School is fast approaching and my plans for a fabulous year are coming together. I have done a great amount of reading including books, blogs, websites and participated in Twitter chats this summer. The amount of knowledge I have gained is a bit overwhelming and exciting at the ...


Post it Giveaway

Create Teach Share is having a giveaway and "Post It" Linky party! Honestly, I don't use post-its much except to post notes of reminders to myself on my desk, notes of passwords or to send a note to the office or to a teacher with a student. However, things are going to change ...


Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!

School is soon approaching, and I am eager to get back to share all the wonderful things I have discovered this summer with my colleagues. I have become hooked to many social media sites this summer with one of them being Twitter. I have shared ideas, networked, and even eavesdropped ...


Thank You!

Here it is my new Blog Button! I am so excited! Thanks TBA for having such a great giveaway! ...


Interactive Reading Comprehension Resources

Just posted by kbkonnected on Twitter. This is awesome! ...


A Self Reflection

The Book Whisperer-Chapter 5 –Self Reflection  My reading requirement for my 4th graders this year will be 30 books. My expectations are set high. Donalayn Miller states (p.77) that ten books or twenty books are not enough to instill a love of reading in students. Students ...


Student Blogging

Calling all Teachers who are looking for an authentic audience for their students to blog to!!!!!!!!! Are you looking for a constructivist tool for learning? Blogging is it! However, the audience is one of the most important aspects of blogging. By signing up on Comments4Kids your students blogs can be commented on by other students worldwide by the teacher making a tweet with the hastag #comments4kids. How ...


First Day of School Activities

Resource taken from her ...


Daily Schedule Linky Party!!!!

Simply Second Resources is having a Linky Party! 2011 Daily Schedu ...


Web 2.0 Tools for Schools

I just found this site while participating on a Twitter 5thchat. It has a wealth of 2.0 tools for you to use with students in the classroom. You have to check this out! BTW- If you are not signed up on Twitter you are missing out on some of the best professional resources out t ...


Reading Workshop

Here I am again searching for resources to use for Reader's Workshop. I decided to head back again to Beth Newingham's site on Scholastic to review some of her resources. While reading the comments I noticed someone posted a site to view for literacy resources for grades 2-6. The ...


School House Rock

Here is a Glog I created to compile School House Rock videos. I use them as an attention getter when introducing a new grammar skill. My students love these videos! ...



OMG! I just discovered Pinterest! It is awesome, but I need an invite so I can get started. (Thank You Mechelle for inviting me!) What a great idea for writing! Rescue Tired Words Source: usefulwiki.com via Conolley on Pinterest So, here it is my Pinterest board! I am still ...


NASA Shuttle Lunch

Who's watching the shuttle launch today? Check it out LIVE her ...


Great Grammar Glog



A 4th Grade Reading List

Thanks to Lenses on Literacy: Stories from School has posted a list of 100 Read Alouds for 4th Grade. Click here for the Lis ...





Some of My Favorite Books

Runde's Room is having a Linky party. Share your favorite books of any type. Join the party! ...


4th Grade Reading Workshop

What a great Linky Party Idea! Implementing Reading Workshop into my classroom this year is my ultimate goal. I want to create a passion for reading using authentic literature. I have been doing a lot of research over the last month and collecting ideas and fitting them to match ...


Tagxedo- Not Wordle

Interactive White Boards is hosting a linky party on ways to use Tagxedo in the classroom. Tagxedo is a lot like Wordle, except it can do more things. I have used Wordle with my students for the past two years. We have used the program to paste our essays on "All About Me", which ...



Go Fourth with Mrs. Owens is having a fabulous giveway. Check out her awesome prize! ...


Blog Under Construction

Well, I decided that I didn't really like my school theme. So, I changed my template. What do you think? I thought about going with a New Orleans Saints theme and am still thinking about it , but my classroom theme from last year will just have to do. However, I can't seem to ...


Read Alouds

Mrs. Parker is hosting a Linky Party on Read Alouds you will use in the Fall. Here are a few read alouds I will use during the first few weeks. First Day Jitters- Great Story to Read the First Day of School Great Lesson to go with the book. Great book to introduce figurative ...

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