What I Will Definitely Do Next Year

Finding Joy in 6th Grade has created her first Linky party with a Giveaway.   The Linky Party is "What Will I Definitely Do Next Year? " I've been out of school since May 17th and just got back from Destin, Florida on our first family vacation of the summer and of course ...


What is your Passion?

What is your Passion?  This was the question that students thought deeply about and delved deep into over a two week period in my classroom.  I began with introducing the project to students, and then saying that over the next two weeks students would think about ...


Field Day Fun

It was the last day of school for students on Wednesday and we planned a fun-filled Field Day. Of course though, it rained here in southern Louisiana, so our field day that was planned for outside ended up indoors. However, it ended up working out fine and the kids had a great time. We ...


District Teacher of the Year

What an honor it was on Tuesday, May 21 to receive an award for District Teacher of the Year! I am proud to represent Estelle and the District. It is truly an honor to be recognized for my hardwork and dedication to my passion of teaching. My colleagues have inspired me to be all ...


End of the Year Field Trips

The end of the school year always bring lots of fun activities and events including field trips. The 4th grade team and I planned a few field trips for our students including a trip to-  Zephyr stadium to see the New Orleans Zephyr baseball team play which ended ...


A Technology Enhanced Author Study

The end of the school year is drawing near, 7 days to be exact, and this is our final full week of school.This week's lesson are packed with inquiry based technology lessons with differentiated outcomes with students blogging, commenting, creating slideshows, videos, Wordles, and typing papers and bio poems, and also using apps to create stories, to discovering animals in our habitat and more. Each day I plan to blog ...


Friday's Wrap-Up

   To wrap up our week, we had a field trip planned. However, this is the second consecutive Friday that it has rained when we had a field trip planned. Today though the rain was so bad that we ended up canceling the field trip to the Creole Queen and Chalmette Battlefield ...

The pin that inspired me

to create a lesson of discovery using the website Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids.

Essential Question: How does each symbol represent our country?

Students will work collaboratively to discover the answer using the website. They will then use the information gathered to create a slideshow using the Keynote app to present to the class.

Have you had Pinspiration?

How Do You Promote Summer Reading?

According to Reading Rockets,  research says that children who don't read during the summer lose up to three months of reading progress and that loss has a cumulative, long term-effect. So, how do you promote summer reading?  I started by going to our local ...


Teacher Appreciation Challenge

Mr. Hughes over at Educator's Life is hosting his second annual Teacher Appreciation Challenge. The challenge is to focus on a teacher you work with that you would like to acknowledge. Click on the link above to acknowledge someone you would like to show appreciation to during ...


BioBlitz Training

After a week of rain in southern Louisiana, today turned out to be a chilly but beautiful day. It was a great day to take a walk and participate in a training event at Jean Lafitte National Park. Friday, May 17th my students will participate in a BioBlitz at the park working alongside ...

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