Identity Day Project

I held my first annual Identity Day on Tuesday, May 22nd. I first came upon this idea from a colleague and friend Paula Naugle. My students began this project by first identifying their passion and then answering 10 reflection questions on their Kidblog. I divided the questions ...


How To Blow a Bubble

Thursday of last week my partner teacher, Mr. Martinez facilitated an explanatory writing lesson. The lesson was adapted from LessonPlanSOS. He began the lesson by distributing a piece of gum to each student. Students were immediately engaged! He had students describe the taste ...


Wrapping Up the End of the Year

The last few weeks of school my Shining and Shooting Stars have been working collaboratively and diligently on a plethora of Reading and Technology Centers. This past week students wrapped up their projects by putting the finishing touches on each and every one. Students worked ...


Words with Friends

Are you a fan of words with friends? I certainly am. I have about 8 games going with family friends right now. I love the challenge of creating new words and the competition, especially when I play my father-in-law. Mr. Martinez our ELL teacher brought in some alphabet cubes for ...


Friday Fun

I would like to begin this post with congratulating one of my 4th grade students. Aliyah's writing was selected to be published in the prestigious annual students anthology, Award-Winning Young Writers of America-2012! She received a golden envelope with details explaining her award. ...


Ma Spa Day

Today my fourth graders and I hosted our Ma Spa Day! My students invited their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, teachers and our administrators to attend our Spa day for a special Mother's Day treat. Our guests were pampered by having hand massages, back massages, refreshments, pleasant ...


Dreaming Big

Check out this wonderful article written about my student teacher, who was honored by her University. Click her ...


Genius Paragraph

Today we worked on our Genius Ladder. This teaching strategy comes from Whole Brain Teaching. I began using this writing strategy in January, and it has really helped students develop their writing skills. Today students worked independently on their Genius Ladder, and were allowed ...


The Fun Never Ends

The Fun Never Ends in Room 3. My Shining Stars will compete against the Shooting Stars on Friday during Field Day. So, to prepare for the big day we began with tie-dying our shirts for Friday. I really thought my bright idea of tie- dying was going to be a complete ...

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