Ma Spa Day

Today my fourth graders and I hosted our Ma Spa Day! My students invited their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, teachers and our administrators to attend our Spa day for a special Mother's Day treat. Our guests were pampered by having hand massages, back massages, refreshments, pleasant conversation and their nails done. We had a special treat during our morning session with having high school cosmetology students from Cullier Career Center provide nail treatments for our guests and students.

Here's a look at our day!

A few students and I set up the classroom at the end of the day Thursday by preparing each station. Here's a look at the room before.
 Here's our principal, Jackie Daniilidis having a back massage by one of my fourth graders.
 A picture of the nail station, where guests and students had their nails trimmed and filed.

Even a few of the boys had their nails sharpened up.

Then to the polishing and drying station.

Some even enjoyed a paraffin wax.

Here's our assistant principal on the left and one of our school secretaries on the right getting their nails polished.

 This was probably one of my favorite stations of all. Here students wrote a blog post on Kidblog answering reflection questions with their parents. You can read some of their posts here. Check out Jonathan's post, it is sooooo sweet!
Here I am getting my nails done and finally relaxing for 5 minutes.

Thank You Cullier Career Center for the wonderful experience you brought to my Shining and Shooting Stars. We are looking forward to working with you again next year!

And of course a slideshow to recap our wonderful day, Happy Mother's Day!

Ma Spa Day on PhotoPeach


  1. WOW!!! This looks like so much fun!! What an amazing idea to pamper all of the wonderful mothers for their special day! And what a treat to have professionals there! Looks like everyone had a great time!

    Lessons with Laughter

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